Thursday, September 25, 2008

So these are my four perfect children. I need to take a better one of Devon. I'll get right on it! So Madison is 5 now and is in Kindergarten. She loves it, I think she mostly loves socializing and riding the bus, i went up to the school one day to see how she was doing on the playground cause i was worried about her just sitting back and being bullied well what i witnessed was shocking! I saw my sweet little 5 year old Madison running across the playgound with her two friends in her flank, they ran right up to the 4th graders on the swings and she said "Hey its our turn now so get off," well they didnt get off, so she stepped closer that the bigger kid couldnt swing anymore and said, " I said its my turn so get off!" so they got and ran off and she happily got on the swings and then noticed me watching she skipped over to my van and sweetly said "hi mommy" i told her what i needed to about playing nice and that was that. I guess I dont need to worry about her getting bullied on the playground.

Next we have Hope she is 4 now. And I swear she must have ADHD. shes nuts. All her Drs are always wondering how she has so much energy with the bad heart that she has although her heart is doing great right now they do excpect that she should be more tired than the typical 4 year old. She really does very well and Im very proud of her i just wish shed listen to me once in awhile.

Devon is almost 3 years old. He is a great boy. mischevious but good. He is a very good listener for the most part and is doing great potty training. He is very loving and kind to his brother and sisters.

Fintin is almost 5 months old. he is precious. He is my best baby ever. He loves to suck his thumb and is self soothing. He sleeps through the night and Mommy is still his favorite person.

Today we bid farwell to our first set of foster kids. we had them for 7 months and taught them a lot I'd like to toot my own horn and say i did a great job with them Im sad to see them go but it was really what was best for our family right now. I wish them luck and hope they do well in the rest of their precious little lifes.


eekareek said...

Very sweet pictures. Ahhh the boys. They will be missed.

eekareek said...

Katie, are you still blogging??

lovedkat said...

yes i am and yes it is now almost 3 am thanks you got me addicted...but you are probably sneaking your kids into your bed right now

Elder Jack Anderson said...

You have beautiful kids! And you are so good to have them watch Zaboomafoo... aren't Martin & Chris hotties???

eekareek said...

^^^Good catch Landee. I have a secret crush on Steve from Blue's Clues. I guess it is not a secret anymore.

Hot Pants said...

I will miss those cute little chubby boys too.