Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We decided to be very festive this last Halloween and do lots of fun things. Well we ended up only doing 2 really fun things cause this one got spendy. But it was worth it and Im excited for Christmas to do this same thing. We were supposed to go on a train ride from Horseshoe bend out to a pumkin patch. We got to the train station, which was fun and festive, and nobody was complaining about anything.....yet! We were all bundled up thinking it was going to be really cold, well at least we were prepared. When we were finally able to board up we didnt want to get back off the train so we just sat and waited, unfortunantely nobody told us that trains are broiling hot! And we had to wait on there for about an hour! then the complaints started. The little treats and things I had brought were no longer good enough and I was desperate to make this a fun experience. So to the treat and toy trolly we went. They all got tons of treats and still had a great time. My sister Aleah was with us to help out with the kids. We had our 10 year old pcs kid our 5 year old 4 year old 3 year old and 4 month old, and remember that we are all miserably hot and trying to hold onto our coats and blankets and thigs.....really it was a good time. I stripped the baby down to his onsie and that seemed to help. Aleah walked the kids up and down the aisles, and then we heard it....."ALL ABOARD".......Aleah came back to sit with me and was all gitty then she said"did you hear it" "hear what" " i got to say the big all aboard" . It was so much fun!

Madison decided to protect our pile of pumpkins so nobody else could steel them, then eveyone had to have their pics taken on the pile....my kids are so stinkin cute

Devon the next protector

Hope seems to have lost the pile

Devon....."dont touch my punkin"

Me and my precious Fintin

Steve with Omar and Devon....notice his hands are free and not holding anything.....hmm?

Thanks Aleah for coming to help me out.....couldnt have made this very fun memory with out you.......you are awesome

They really had fun and love talking about the train ride.....I just wish that wed worn shorts!

Steve and the boys

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Hi Everyone! Yes yes yes I finally have a chance to get back into the life of blogging! I have a ton of things to blog about but I will try to keep it simple since I have so much saved up. Its been a very busy but fun month of October! We went to a couple pumpkin patches, had Devons 3rd birthday, got a new PCS kid, had halloween, and it all ended with everyone having a cold.
This is our first pumpkin patch.....arent they cute? Devon is so in love with Winnie. She is his best friend and wants to spend all his time with her. He is always asking "can we go to Winnie. i want winnie. winnie is my girl friend!"

Here is Fintin. Now 6 months old. Doing his favorite job.....sucking his thumb, and in his favorite spot for family outings, his sling! He is soo adorable. He is rolling now. And eating baby food. He is my easiest baby so far, well except for right now since he is sick with a yucky cold and cough and not sleeping well at all. But doing well otherwise.

Kind of blurry but thats cause we are on the hay ride out to the pumpkin patch. Madison is so much fun at stuff like this. She makes sure we dont miss out on anything! She was so funny at the patch trying to pick just the right one, i think she touched every single pumpkin trying to find the right one, she walked a very long ways to do this and then got upset cause she couldnt find it. When the hay ride came back around to get us the pressure was on and suddenly she saw the perfect one right by the trail and was very happy.

Hope cant seem to take a smiling picture ever! she is always making a funny face! She had a lot of fun too. She enjoyed the ride the hay maze and the pumkin picking. She loves to do what the other kids are doing and is a ton of fun to watch.

We all had a really great time! Steve isnt in this picture cause he is taking it, but he had a good time too. Hope is the only one that could really carry her pumpkin and at this point Madison still hadnt chosen hers yet. This was a fun outing. I love fall when it is getting cold and hot chocolate sounds so tasty! Its fun to start getting ready for the holidays.